The Family That Plays Together – Why Sports Still Matter for Kids

We’ve all heard the warnings: “too much screen time is bad for kids, sitting all day is bad for kids; the list goes on and on ” But the reasons to get outside and play go way beyond maintaining a healthy BMI. Getting your kids involved in sports is just plain good for them; body, mind, and soul – and here are some of the biggest reasons why.

Sports Boost Confidence

Every good parent knows their kid is the smartest, coolest, most interesting kid on the planet, and our kids should know it, too! Studies show that physical activity builds confidence, so when your kids are building strong bodies, they’re also building a strong sense of self-esteem. Also, the same research shows that being physically active makes for more imaginative play in younger children, so even if your little ones are more artist than athlete, they’ll still reap plenty of benefits from being involved in any sort of sport.

Active Kids Become Active Adults

Pretty much every North American adult could benefit from squeezing in a tad more physical activity (we know we could)! Unfortunately, modern lifestyles make us spend a lot of our time sitting down, make staying active a real challenge. Like any healthy habit, being active takes practice, so it helps to start these habits as early as possible! Kids who are involved in sports (either as an individual or as part of a team) are more likely to continue to be active – and therefore – healthier as adults.

Sports Make Kids Smarter

We need to kick the “dumb jock” stereotype to the curb because it’s just not true. In fact, it’s quite the opposite! Kids who play sports and stay physically active often score higher in the classroom too, with higher academic grades and better standardized test scores. Keep in mind that kids don’t have to excel at sports to get the academic benefits, they just need to participate!

Even When They Lose, They Win

Childhood comes with the opportunity to learn many valuable life lessons, including the importance of teamwork, hard work, and possibly the most challenging; sometimes you will lose! These can be challenging lessons for little ones (if we’re being honest, even grown-ups struggle with them sometimes), so they should at least be able to have fun while they learn them! Being involved in sports help kids become more emotionally and psychologically resilient, and help them build better social and friendship bonds with their peers.

Be Their Biggest Cheerleader

Whether your kid is a natural athlete, or just in it to have fun and make friends, family support will help them get the most out of whatever sport they choose. And we’re not just talking about them needing a drive to practice or the big game! Sports provide the perfect setting for you to be the best role model you can for your kids. If they see you being active, they’re more likely to be active. If they see you losing gracefully, they’re more likely to take challenges that come their way in stride. And if they see you cheering them on from the sidelines, they’re going to feel better about themselves, knowing you’re always in their corner.

Even in today’s tech-centric world, there’s still a place for good old-fashioned outdoor play. When you take the time to support your kids in sports, you’re setting them up to be winners in every aspect of their lives!